Sage's Sky was a mobile game I created when I was in college around 2014 - 2015. I did not maintain it when I released it to the app stores so it was removed. I still do have a bunch of screenshots and the trailer for it which you can see below. I created it in Unity for both Android and iOS.

Sage's Sky is a beautiful and delightful distance game where you, the player, throw a bird named Sage to see how far he can get. You can buy in-game upgrades to increase Sage's distances. Sage starts as a fat pudgy bird and can be reincarnated 4 more times to become a stronger and more majestic bird. You can check out the trailer here.

sages sky 11
Fireball power up and showing of HUD.

sages sky 1
Starting area where the player launches the bird.

sages sky 2
Magnet power up.

sages sky 3
Magnet collecting coins.

sages sky 4
Hitting a TNT barrel.

sages sky 9
Some more ground obstacles.

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